Thursday, November 13, 2008

Six degrees...

As I headed to work today I saw the bank's temperature sign, 6 degrees, six degrees away from snow (it was raining too). I'm not a winter person myself -- which makes me very glad to have a pottery studio. Those kilns keep things nice and toasty and as long as customers are here I'll have plenty of reason to fire them up.

Yesterday I was swamped. It was a half day of school and I had scheduled a daycare to come in and do up Christmas ornaments, but never did I expect the groups that followed the daycare in. It was great! The kids had a great time making their little Christmast ornaments, and the groups had fun just watching them -- and I also think their ears couldn't quite get used to the silence after they left, lol! This was my second daycare group this week and boy has it been fun --the first group were two year old! Now, talk about a cute group. I wish I'd taken pictures.

The holidays are definitely upon us and it seems that doing something personal for friends and family is trendy. Customers are painting the cutest coffee mugs, vases with Creative Images pictures, handprint and footprint plates, etc., etc. My snowman dish is giving quite a bit of inspiration as well with many customers creating those easy stars on their pieces.

I'm about to place another order with my vendor, so don't forget to come by the shop next week to see what's new. I also have quite a few items that I've taken from my personal stash for the holidays and put up for sale. Many of them are from traditional studios that no longer exist - so you can't get these pieces anywhere else -- when they are gone, they're gone. I may have to start pouring items at some point just so I can make sure I have things on hand that no one else does.

Until next time,

Let's go get fired!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Creative Customers

So, it was a fairly slow day...which isn't the norm on the second day of no school. HOWEVER, about mid-afternoon I had three teenagers and two moms arrive at the studio -- all were first time visitors. Well they asked about the process and prices and fairly quickly picked out their projects. All was good until the painters each picked one color for their pieces (tall coffee mugs).

Well, by the time I got done with this group they had done a lace technique, painted stars with writer bottles, painted with speckled paint outside, different colors inside, painted with rubber stamps and more and spent about three hours at the studio relaxing, laughing and just plain having a good time. Not only that, I had a great time too.

Sometimes I feel like I'm just at the studio to pass out the paint and clean up...then there are days like today where I feel like I helped someone open up a little bit of that creative side they say they don't have. I can't wait to see their faces when they come back to get their pieces -- they're going to be addicted!

Oh, and I hope everyone voted today -- no matter who you vote for, remember to exercise this right. Besides, you can't complain about who's in office if you didn't vote, right?