Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Holidays!

First, a belated Happy Holidays to everyone. I have been incredibly busy this month (minus the weekend the snow closed us down!) and can't wait for the New Year to begin. As soon as our instructors get back with me, I'll have new calendars on the website...

Oh, yeah, speaking of websites - you may have noticed that FireWorks website has changed. Google migrated from Page Creator to Sites and apparently my website didn't take to the migration very well, so I'm going to be spending the next few weeks recreating my website on a new platform. You can imagine, I'm not happy about that at all and am hoping to get all completed before the new year so that I won't start off my new year with this hanging over my head.

We are operating under our normal business hours during the holiday including being open on New Year's Day -- we're having a pajama party for Kid's Club on New Year's Day. I figured the parents celebrate on New Year's Eve so New Year's Day is for the kids to have a celebratory time. The festivities begin at 7pm and go until the last person leaves - we'll have popcorn, drinks, pizza and you pick the project. If we have time, we'll play Bingo and watch movies (PG or under). Parents are welcome, or if you prefer just drop the kiddies off (leave us with an emergency number and any allergies).

Email us at FIREME@FIREWORKSARTCAFE.COM if you have any questions. Our temporary webpage has hours, phone number and other requested information, as well as we have twitter and FaceBook pages with the latest information. Hope to see you soon!


marcy said...

Good luck with your new website and Happy Holidays to you.

FireWorks Art Cafe said...

Thanks Marcy!